CEO attitudes toward women managers in corporate Mauritius

A nationwide survey of Mauritian organisations and their managers disclosed the degree of representation of women in managerial ranks, and explored top management attitudes regarding women‐in‐management issues. Analysis revealed that, although only minimal stereotyping of women as managers was openly expressed by senior managers, few measures for the deliberate inclusion and advancement of women into management were identified. Mauritius represents a developmental paradox, being somewhat isolated from the “highly industrialised” world and its advancements in equal opportunity and positive action movements, but also from less developed countries’ close and long‐term associations with aid agencies, which largely include gender mainstreaming programmes. The survey uncovered politically correct women‐manager‐friendly responses in corporate Mauritius, but practically no affirmative action of any sort. Implications include the consideration of the presence of “helpful” agencies in newly industrialising countries, and for a radical increase in multilateral interactions, lest such successful small economies be transformed into victims of their own success.

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